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Hwei's Abilities Explained: LoL's First True Human Mage

“It is good to love many things.”

Hwei the Visionary is here to paint the town red.

Riot Games designed Hwei’s abilities to League of Legends Players looking for challenges, ready to dedicate hours of play to master this complex champion mainly intended for the midlane.

The mage has a total of nine spells and an ultimate. These spells grouped into three subjects — disaster, serenity and torment.

The names speak for themselves: disaster features a series of offensive spells, serenity are utility spells, while torment are crowd control abilities.

League of Legends mage champion Hwei official wallpaper splashart
Credit: Riot Games

Each spell requires two button presses to activate. If you change your mind halfway through, don’t worry, you can just combine it with R to undo.

Full list of Hwei’s abilities in League of Legends

Hwei's Passive Ability Icon Visionary's Signature
Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports

Passive – Visionary Signature

Hwei’s damaging abilities against enemy champions mark them for a few seconds.

Hitting enemies marked with another damage ability creates an explosion below them, exploding after a short delay and dealing magic damage to all enemies within range.

Hwei Washing Brush Capacity Icon
Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports

QR/WR/ER – Washing brush

Hwei cleans his brush and returns to basic abilities without using mana or cooldown.

Hwei Abilities for Subject: Catastrophe – Devastating Fire, Severing Bolt, Molten Fissure
Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports

Q – Subject: Disaster

QQ – Devastating fire

Hwei paints a blazing fireball that flies in the target direction.

It explodes on the first enemy hit or at maximum range, dealing magic damage plus a percentage of maximum health magic damage to all enemies in an area.

QW – Separation Bolt

Hwei paints a Devastating long-range shot at target location. After a while, lightning strikes, dealing magic damage.

Immobilized or isolated enemies take increased damage based on their missing health.

$25 USD League of Legends Gift Card
Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports

QE – Melted Fissure

Hwei paints a field of explosive volcanic eruptions, creating lingering lava in its path.

Each eruption deals magic damage to enemies hit. Enemies in the lava area deal magic damage per second and are slowed.

Hwei Ability Icons for Subject: Serenity - Ephemeral Current, Reflection Pool, Restless Lights
Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports

W – Subject: Serenity

WQ – Ephemeral current

Hwei draws a rapid stream of water in a line for a few seconds, granting movement speed to himself and his allies.

WW – Reflection Pool

Hwei forms a protective pool at the target location that lasts for a few seconds.

Allied champions inside the zone gain an immediate shield, increasing in value over a few seconds while in the zone.

US – Stirring Lights

Hwei paints three swirling lights that surround him for several seconds. Hwei’s next three attacks or spells deal additional magic damage and grant mana to the hit.

Hwei Ability Icons for Subject: Torment – ​​Grim Face, Gaze of the Abyss, Crushing Maw
Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports

E – Subject: Torment

EQ – Sinister Face

Hwei casts a terrifying face that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage and causing them to flee for a short duration.

EW – Gaze into the abyss

Hwei paints an Abyssal Eye at the target location that grants vision and locks onto the nearest visible enemy champion.

After a short delay, the eye fires at the locked champion, stopping the first enemy in its path for a few seconds and dealing magic damage.

$50 USD League of Legends Gift Card
Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports

EE – Crushing mouth

Hwei paints crushing jaws that deal magic damage to enemies hit and pull them towards the center, slowing them by a set amount that quickly disintegrates.

Hwei's ultimate icon, Spiraling Despair
Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports

R – Spiraling Despair

Hwei casts a vision of pure despair that sticks to an enemy champion for a few seconds. The vision expands and overwhelms all enemies it hits, dealing magic damage per second.

Enemies in the area are afflicted with Despair stacks over time. Each stack of Despair applies a cumulative slow percentage.

Once completed, the vision shatters, dealing magic damage.

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